Wold Top Flora and Fauna – Wold Top Brewery
Wold Top Flora and Fauna

Wold Top Flora and Fauna

Posted by Tracey Baty on

We’re in a fortunate position here at Wold Top to be surrounded by beautiful countryside and nature, and it’s something we strive to maintain and help if we can.

From a floral perspective, we’re lucky to benefit from a large variety of wildflowers and plants, from daisies and dandelions to clover and cowslips and lots more besides.

We’re also very proud of our wild orchids, which appear in May time, and sit, like little purple towers amongst the buttercups and grasses on our chalk grassland bank.

Alongside the smaller insects and animals we also have the more elusive and harder to photograph larger animals. 

Hares roam the fields, alongside the rabbits, field mice, stoats and weasels and Roe deer bound across the fields and hedges with ease. They love to hide out in the gorse bushes on the chalk bank, along with the badgers and foxes.

In the air we have buzzards, curlews, owls, bats and the occasional marsh harrier. With chaffinches, tits, robins etc closer to the ground.

We are working closely with our local RSPB wardens, as well as local butterfly groups and nature charities to look at ways to increase and improve the diversity of our flora and fauna as much as we can. An ongoing, but very enjoyable, project!

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