Happy New Year!
Posted by Tracey Baty on
Here's the Directors' Diary from the January newsletter. If you would like the newsletter delivering directly to your device once a month, simply sign up using the form on the home page of the website.
Hello and welcome to 2024!
We hope you’ve enjoyed a lovely Christmas and New Year with friends and family and are looking forward to a fresh new year!
We thought we’d kick off the first newsletter of the year with a recap of 2023 and look forward to what’s coming up in 2024.
2023 saw us celebrate 20 years of brewing, which is an epic milestone and one we’re immensely proud of.
To commemorate the anniversary, we brewed a special edition beer, 20 Ears, which went down a treat in cask, bottle and keg.
We’re sorry if you didn’t manage to get a try of this one - it sold out super quickly!
We also produced 12 monthly specials, which included our ‘Bird Watch’ beers and they proved very popular too. Having a beer called Robin in December was a definite hit!
Looking forward to 2024 has us even more excited though, as we’ve got some great things lined up already….
We took delivery of a new piece of equipment in early December 2023, which will get its first ‘outing’ in February and we’re really looking forward to getting this project up and running.
Don’t worry, though; normal service will also be maintained!
We’ve got a great line up of events coming together too. Tickets to the Big Sky Beer Festival in July are selling fast (50% gone already!), and we’ll be making more announcements about other events soon. In fact, further down this page there’s another one….
Thank you for all your support over 2023 - it means the world to us that what we create up here on our Yorkshire farm is enjoyed by so many people.
Here’s to 2024!
Kate, Alex and the Wold Top team.